Saturday, June 12, 2010

Silly girl!

Keely thought her pancakes would taste better this morning with her Elton John sunglasses on! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

an update and some new, random pics :)

here are some random pics that i love! keely is now 14mos old and into everything. my mom says i've got my hands full with this one! she is very busy and very silly. she makes us laugh all the time. :) since school is out - my goal is to be better at posting on this blog, hang some pictures in my house and to catch up on keely's baby book. other than that - i'll be at the lake or on some playdates! ahhh - i love summertime!

I love him!

Some of my highschool girls hanging out at Keely's party!

Keely loves to make a mess, especially with mac and cheese!

Me and K hanging out at Mops and Pops' lake!

Daddy and K watching Pops cut the ribbon at his antique mall grand opening!